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A Winning Combination: Software-as-Services Plus Business Consulting and Process Services
By Laurie McCabe
January 30, 2004

ASPnews Top 20 Archive
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On the second Tuesday of each month, ASPnews unveils its updated list of the Top 20 ASPs and Infrastructure Providers — companies that are the harbingers of success in the ASP industry.

In July, two new companies burst onto the Top 20 ASP list — ManagedOps and WebSideStory.

What is the ASPnews Top 20?
All entries in the Top 20 ASPs and the Top 20 ASP Infrastructure Providers lists are drawn from the ASP Industry Global 200 Directory, as published monthly by ASP News Review, the executive newsletter for the worldwide ASP and Web services industry.

The companies are selected based on several factors. Sheer size is just one parameter, which is weighted along with more qualitative assessments, such as respect among peers and talent to innovate within the ASP model as defined by ASPnews (see The ASP Value Chain for a detailed description).

For more on the process behind the Top 20 lists, see Global Top 20 — Your Questions Answered.

When two new companies make the list, two others, of course, slip off. Displaced are longstanding providers Aristasoft and netASPx. We would be remiss if we didn’t point out that the loss of Top 20 status doesn’t imply any setbacks at either of the two companies. Both Aristasoft and netASPx continue to move forward, but they have been overtaken by the faster pace of ManagedOps and WebSideStory.

No Switching Channels Here
The success of ManagedOps reflects the strength of its chosen model of delivering ASP services through a solution provider partner channel (see ManagedOps Won’t Change Channel). In fact, the industry now seems to be converging on this “master provider” model (see ASPs - Masters of the Internet.)

ManagedOps was one of its earliest pioneers, and — with some 200 partners and a growing tally of customer contracts — it is now reaping the reward for its longstanding determination to make the channel model work. It’s putting that experience to good use by continuing to develop innovative techniques and business practices that will help its partners win further success in selling ASP solutions.

WebSideStory Something to Sing About
The arrival of Web site analytics service provider WebSideStory in the ASPnews Top 20 demonstrates the increasing maturity of the Web-native ASP model. WebSideStory’s first service was a free-of-charge pageview counter called HitBox, introduced in 1996. Eighteen months ago it added paid professional and enterprise versions of HitBox. Now its customer base includes Cisco, HP, Sony Playstation and Walt Disney’s entire Internet presence, and it has fast-growing revenues that rival those of leading enterprise ASPs.

That it has made the quantum leap from an enthusiast niche into the enterprise mainstream in just two years illustrates the remarkable upside potential that exists for effective, Web-native, software-powered services. ASPnews is keeping a close watch on other Web-native providers in the Global 200 who look ready to follow suit along the same impressive growth curve.

Top 20 ASPs

This is the list of companies that, in the view of ASPnews, are the world’s 20 leading ASPs. For inclusion, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Have ASP and/or Web services as their core business
  • Have a substantial and active customer base
  • Be able to demonstrate proven revenue streams
  • Be innovators within the ASP and/or Web services models
  • Be recognized as a leader by others within the industry
Company Description Location
AgileraEnterprise ASPEngelwood, Colo.
BlueStar SolutionsEnterprise ASPCupertino, Calif.
CorioEnterprise ASPSan Carlos, Calif.
Intranets.comWeb service vendorWoburn, Mass.
JamcrackerASP aggregatorCupertino, Calif.
New!   ManagedOpsASP wholesalerBedford, N.H.
McAfee.comWeb service vendor,
Web service aggregator
Sunnyvale, Calif.
NetLedgerWeb service vendorSan Mateo, Calif.
OpenAir.comWeb service vendorBoston, Mass.
Portera SystemsVertical service providerCampbell, Calif.
Qwest Cyber.SolutionsEnterprise ASPDenver, Colo.
Salesforce.comWeb service vendorSan Francisco, Calif.
SiennaxEnterprise ASP,
business ASP
The Netherlands
StorageNetworksStorage service providerWaltham, Mass.
SurebridgeEnterprise ASPLexington, Mass.
TriZetto GroupVertical service provider,
Web services ISV
Newport Beach, Calif.
Upshot.comWeb service vendorMountain View, Calif.
USinternetworkingEnterprise ASP,
application infrastructure provider
Annapolis, Md.
WebExWeb service providerSan Jose, Calif.
New!   WebSideStoryWeb service providerSan Diego, Calif.

Top 20 ASP Infrastructure Providers

These are the 20 companies that, in the view of ASPnews, are the most influential providers of software or infrastructure for the ASP and Web services industry. For inclusion, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a substantial and active customer base of ASPs and/or Web service providers
  • Be active in their support and promotion of the ASP and/or Web services model
  • Be innovators within the ASP and/or Web services models
  • Be recognized as a leader by others within the industry
Company Description Location
BMC SoftwareInfrastructure ISV,
infrastructure ASP
Houston, Texas
Cisco SystemsSystems manufacturerSan Jose, Calif.
Citrix SystemsInfrastructure ISVFort Lauderdate.Fla.
Computer AssociatesInfrastructure ISVIslandia, N.Y.
Data ReturnApplication infrastructure provider,
managed hosting provider
Irving, Texas
DigexApplication infrastructure provider,
managed hosting provider
Beltsville, Md.
Hewlett-PackardSystems manufacturer,
infrastructure ISV
Palo Alto, Calif.
IBMInfrastructure ISV,
systems manufacturer,
application infrastructure provider
Armonk, N.Y.
Intel Online ServicesApplication infrastructure provider,
managed hosting provider
Santa Clara, Calif.
iPlanetInfrastructure ISVSanta Clara, Calif.
JD EdwardsEnterprise ISVDenver, Colo.
Lawson SoftwareEnterprise ISV,
e-business platform vendor
Minneapolis, Minn.
MicrosoftEnterprise ISV,
Web service vendor/aggregator
Seattle, Wash.
NaviSiteManaged hosting provider, AIPAndover, Mass.
Onyx SoftwareEnterprise ISVBellevue, Wash.
OracleEnterprise ISV,
enterprise ASP
Redwood Shores, Calif.
PeopleSoftEnterprise ISV,
enterprise ASP
Pleasanton, Calif.
Progress SoftwareInfrastructure ISVBedford, Mass.
Sun MicrosystemsSystems manufacturer,
infrastructure ISV
Palo Alto, Calif.
XevoInfrastructure ISVMarlboro, Mass.

What do you think of our choices? What ASPs and infrastructure providers are missing that deserve to be here? And what companies do you think made that list that shouldn’t have? Critique our selections — or make your own list — in the ASP Discussion Forum.


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