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eBooks Sponsored by Nokia
eBook: Unified Threat Management--The Next Generation of Enterprise Security
As attack vectors have multiplied and security solutions created to mitigate the threats, keeping your business safe has become a complex and expensive undertaking. With the advent of Unified Threat Management Systems, you not only have a simpler way to manage security, you can also lower costs and be prepared for threats, both real and yet to be imagined.
eBook: Get In On the Mobile Internet
Every day, the Internet goes from being less of a luxury to more of a necessity for all of us. The worldwide growth of Internet usage combined with the nearly equal growth in mobile phone usage, more and more people will find the need to access the Internet through their mobile device. Learn how the mobile Web is evolving, the tips and tricks you'll need to go mobile, as well as the basics of what you need to get started on the mobile Internet.
eBook: A Centralized Approach to Managing Mobile Email
Mobile email is well on its way to making it as a mainstream technology. The way to address security
and operational concerns is to treat it as such, and take a strategic, centralized approach to managing
and developing this important business resource. Read this guide to learn more.
eBook: Intrusion Detection and Prevention--More Essential than a Firewall
The sophistication and severity of attacks by hackers today, combined with the data-intensive needs of a mobile workforce, demands a security solution beyond a simple firewall. You need an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDP) to allow your workforce to get access to the information they need while at the same time stopping all types of threats. Learn how to evaluate Intrusion Prevention Systems and learn why IDP is more essential than a firewall. »
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