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NetSuite’s Online Advantage NetSuite Small Business lets you manage your financial and accounting data from any Internet-ready PC. But is that enough to make you abandon QuickBooks?(Sep 9, 2004)
Out From Oracle’s Shadow: NetSuite With more than 7,500 paying customers and a new product suite, NetSuite is making its way out from under Oracle’s shadow and is poised to take full advantage of the next wave of software delivered as a service. Which, according to founder Evan Goldberg, is coming.
(Apr 2, 2004)
WebSideStory: An ASP Survivor strategy — The on-demand Web analytics provider has weathered the stormy seas of the ASP industry, and is confident that better times lay ahead. Today, the company is finding success with a straightforward plan — to make its service simple, relevant and real-time.(Mar 4, 2004)
Softricity Addresses Utility Computing at the Application Level strategy — While several players jockey for position in the hardware and OS virtualization spaces, Softricity is making moves in application virtualization with SoftGrid 3.0.(Jan 29, 2004)
Appshop Sticks to Its Guns strategy — The Oracle application outsourcing specialist has found success by sticking to what it knows best, and has found it can win more business by actually walking away from prospects that don’t fit its strategy.(Jan 14, 2004)
The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Data Return strategy — The high-end hosting provider survived an acquisition by incubator divine, and divine’s ensuing bankruptcy, to emerge as a stronger, profitable, standalone company.(Nov 11, 2003)
Abridean Goes Deep With Provisor 3.5 An enhanced XML toolset and synchronization tools help Abridean meet the needs of both its enterprise and service provider customers.(Oct 23, 2003)
Salesnet Gives CRM Integration a Twist strategy — To address the need for integration between Salesnet’s CRM application and legacy back-end systems in a way that better fit in with Salesnet’s ASP philosophy, Salesnet turned to AptSoft for an ‘integration-as-a-service’ approach.(Oct 13, 2003)
Open Harbor Aims to Transform the Global Trade Industry strategy — When dealing with business internationally, the weakest link is usually the global trade process. To build an efficient, secure and lean supply chain, Open Harbor offers solutions to automate this last mile as well.(Sep 29, 2003)
RightNow CEO Foresees End of Software Dinosaurs strategy — The hosted customer service and support solutions provider is on a mission to take over the agent desktop in the contact center.(Sep 23, 2003)
EmailLabs Takes the High Road strategy — EmailLabs has staked its claim on the ‘high-end self-service e-mail marketing business’ by focusing on technology, not marketing, to deliver its e-mail marketing and communication functionality to customers on a self-service basis. (Aug 28, 2003)
Agiliti: From ASP to MSP strategy — Agiliti has come a long way since starting out as an ASP aggregator in 1999. Back in those heady days, companies like Agiliti and Jamcracker were sure that everyone would need not only one application delivered by an ASP, but eight or ten at a time. They soon found it was not as easy as it appeared.(Aug 7, 2003)
Aspective Finds Success Through Pragmatism strategy — This first-generation ASP has been enjoying strong growth, and making money as well. The key to its success is that while not abandoning the ASP market, Aspective has not allowed it to sink the corporate ship. (Jul 2, 2003)
Divine’s Demise No Surprise strategy — The consensus is in, and it appears that recently bankrupt ‘extended enterprise company’ divine never really stood a chance of succeeding.(Jun 19, 2003)
Tarantella Buys New Moon Feature — Two server-based computing runners-up join forces to take on the industry leader, Citrix Systems.(Jun 2, 2003)
Recruitsoft a Winning Candidate for HR strategy — When it comes to recruiting and hiring the right candidates, many of the world’s largest companies are giving the job to a San Francisco-based Web-native software vendor. (May 23, 2003)
Onyx Looks for Edge With Embedded CRM strategy — Turning to the benefits of a Net-native architecture and Web services technology, Onyx Software sees its future pinned to its partners using Embedded CRM as an integration platform.(May 16, 2003)
Inteq Unveils New Management Portal Still bullish on the market for outsourced management services, the Bedford, Mass.-based MSP announces a new version of InfraPortal (its Web-based tool that offers a consolidated view of a company’s entire IT infrastructure).(May 12, 2003)
EMC Offers Management Software Subscriptions The storage vendor unveils two new features to its ControlCenter
management software line, SAN Architect and SAN AutoAdvice, as one-year
subscriptions.(May 12, 2003)