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ASP News Review

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Delivered electronically to subscribers normally on or before the 12th of every month, ASP News Review consists of a minimum 20 pages of valuable information and authoritative analysis not available in any other publication:

News digest - The key events and trends of the preceding month. Keep track of the major moves by leading service providers, telcos, vendors and users.
Business strategies - detailed features and case studies, looking at how services are packaged and positioned, trends among providers and users, licensing, partnership and management issues
Technology trends - detailed analysis of developing technologies and operational issues relating to hosting platforms, billing systems, delivery methods and infrastructures
Companies and products - A concise edited directory of new and notable participants in the global industry

Our hundreds of corporate and individual subscribers all over the world are drawn from leading software vendors, application service providers, ISPs, telcos, Internet portal operators, commerce service providers, IT service providers, business outsourcers, systems integrators, hardware vendors, investment analysts and end user organisations.

All of them view it as an essential aid to understanding the ASP industry and in formulating their strategic thinking. They know that, as a reader of ASP News Review, they'll miss no company, event or trend that they need to be informed about.

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In April's issue
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In our next issue
May's issue includes interviews with:
Javaid Aziz, CEO, Aspective
Paul Johnston, MD, Entellium
Alex Namath, director global Internet sales, Novell
Deepak Gupta, senior VP, Peoplesoft eCenter
Doug Marinaro, VP marketing, Toolwire
.. plus a comprehensive monthly news digest and industry directory listing
NEW! Includes a special supplement, Dawn of the application engine - a draft excerpt from a major forthcoming new ASPnews.com report, which outlines the emerging new shape of the ASP industry and the future roadmap for online application providers - for details, click here>>

In previous issues
Read sample features, plus full contents listings and feature summaries for every issue since November 1998 .. click here

Special reports
Detailed analysis of key topics for ASPs, vendors and users. For current titles, click here>>

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