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Shoutmail links to Ipswitch

Mar 2nd 2000: Email-by-phone provider Shoutmail.com confirmed yesterday (Mar 1st) it has forged a deal with Ipswitch, Inc. to offer phone access to Ipswitch's 21 million IMail Server subscribers.

The joint marketing and technical development gives IMail users easy phone access to e-mail. Using text-to-speech technology, the Shoutmail service lets users instantly check their email from any location. They can reply by recording voicemail messages as email attachments, using all types of telephones, cell phones or new wireless Web phones.

Jacob Guedalia, Shoutmail.com president and CEO, said the agreement marks a major milestone in fulfilling its ASP aspirations.

"Our agreement with Ipswitch to phone-enable the IMail Server marks a major milestone in implementing Shoutmail's ASP business model for remote access to email," Guedalia said.

Boston MA-based Shoutmail, Inc, offers turnkey telephone and wireless solutions for connecting e-mail with any type of telephone. The service is supported by its own local access telecom system spanning more than ten US states and hundreds of cities.

It provides its service to ISPs, portals and online businesses under an affiliate scheme, and earlier this year signed up online email providers Mail.com and My Own Email. It also operates its own 'Voice Portal' service direct to consumers from its own site, which has signed up 350,000 users in the first two months of operation.

The agreement with Ipswitch is the first with an email platform vendor. Lexington MA-based Ipswitch develops Windows-based software products for the Internet and corporate intranets. IMail is a popular e-mail platform designed for small to medium-size companies and Internet service providers.

Report by the InternetNews.com Staff

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