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E-commerce ASP targets ISPs

Mar 13th 2000: Professo last week introduced its full-service suite of Internet and e-commerce applications for private-label resale. The company says the modular, bundled services provide a way for web developers, Internet service providers (ISPs) and value added resellers (VARs) to become instant application service providers (ASPs).

The Professo suite targets ISPs and VARs that offer e-commerce services. With in-house solutions, providers routinely spend a great deal of time on logistics: brokering merchant accounts, configuring online and hosting services from multiple vendors, setting up billing and technical support, and coping with a never-ending cycle of system upgrades.

Professo's service looks after all of these functions while giving resellers management control through its proprietary, browser-based Services and Applications Manager tool. Using SAM, resellers craft their own service offering from a range of modules that include Internet access, domain registration, Web hosting services, and storefront software complete with a global e-payment gateway and merchant account bundle. A site promotion module offers meta tag editing, search engine submission, and search results analysis. Professo says it will add a broader range of business applications in the future.

SAM enables resellers to track their customers' online transactions and site statistics, while outsourcing the operation of the services, along with account management, billing, customer service and technical support, to Professo.

The outsourced services are provided to the end user under the reseller's own-label branding. Users select from the reseller's offerings in a Web-based menu through which they can also manage their account, view and manage e-commerce transactions and access site statistics.

"Professo offers a truly wondrous streamlining of the supply chain for Internet and e-commerce services," claimed Alexandre Mars, managing partner of Mars Capital, the venture capital firm that led equity investment in Professo's first-round financing. "The company is taking the ASP model to the next level, serving as an ASP-enabler for any company that wants to sell Internet services and applications."

New York City-based Professo is a sister company to e-payment processor Clickpay, a partner of French bank Paribas' ecommerce subsidiary Kleline. As such, it is the only ASP with the direct authority to approve and open merchant accounts. Its e-commerce and storefront services are based on e-commerce software vendor Open Market's Transact and ShopSite platforms.

Report by Patricia Fusco, InternetNews.com

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� Professo
� ClickPay
� Kleline
� Open Market

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