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Citrix adds new ASP allies

Apr 28th 2000: Citrix announced another 41 members of its iBusiness ASP scheme on Wednesday (Apr 26th), boosting the total number signed up for the programme to 86, and extending its international reach.

Citrix first launched the iBusiness Service Provider programme in September 1999, offering participants pay-as-you-go licensing for its MetaFrame ASP-enabling infrastructure software (see related ASPnews.com story, Citrix names 14 at Summit, news/analysis, Nov 5th, 1999). By January, 45 providers had passed through the rigorous accreditation criteria, now joined by a further 41.

"The quantity and quality of the members represent a worldwide movement of companies that have really committed themselves to the Citrix platform," commented Daniel Heimlich, Citrix director of marketing.

The latest batch is notable for its global spread. "New members include ASPs from Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK," Heimlich told ASPnews.com.

The list confirms the advent of a thriving ASP industry in German-speaking central Europe, with no fewer than ten from Germany, Austria and Switzerland - including high-profile German startup EinsteiNet. There are five new members from Scandinavia. In total, European companies outnumber US-based companies, which account for seventeen of the new members. Best-known among them are healthcare ASP Trizetto and Micron Electronics subsidiary HostPro.

Heimlich also pointed out that some of the major telecommunication companies have emerged to join the programme. "This represents an opportunity for Citrix, ASP partners and software vendors to reach a much broader and global marketplace," he said.

Telcos on the list include global carrier Cable & Wireless, its Hong Kong subsidiary Cable & Wireless HKT, Norwegian telco Telenor, Australian giant Telstra, and New York-based broadband carrier Winstar Communications.

"The whole move towards ASP is creating a much simpler experience for the user and allowing them access to the most updated programs and software without all the complexity," Heimlich said.

When asked about goals in terms of number of member companies, Heimlich told ASPnews.com that the focus is less on the number of member companies. "We are more concerned with getting the best ASPs involved," he said. "Citrix doesn't gain revenue from its partners unless they are successful."

Report by Denise D'Onofrio

The full list of newcomers is as follows:

AgilitiAlta Internet Business Centres
ApplicationStation.comBull Espana SA
Businesscare AGCable & Wireless

Cable & Wireless HKT
eAccount EchoPass
EinsteiNet AG eMake
etako.com Gikom NIS Deutschland GmbH
HostPro indecom independent computing GmbH

Infomatec Austria GmbH
InsynQ Inc
Intellinet ASAIntra-Sys
Iterium.net AB LearningStation.com

Network Technology Group (NTG)
Online Technologies Corporation
SoftChoice Corporation Star One AG
Stargate Connections Inc Telenor
Telstra ThyssenKrupp Information Services
Trizetto Group Inc Union Square Technology Group LLC
Veracicom Inc VictorVox Software-Entwicklungs GmbH
Winstar Communications Inc Wizmo Inc
WM-data AS  

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� Citrix Systems
� iBusiness overview

Related ASPnews.com content:
Citrix broadens ASP appeal (news/analysis, Jan 22nd, 2000)
Citrix names 14 at Summit (news/analysis, Nov 5th, 1999)