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May 12th 2000: McAfee.com this week launched a webtop interface, becoming the first ASP to adopt the webtop concept to deliver its services to an established mass market user base. The online PC security and management services provider now delivers its services from a redesigned site that presents users with a webtop environment, complete with drop down menus, multiple stacking windows and drag-and-drop icons similar to those found on desktops. Currently, a browser only allows you to enter one application at a time. A webtop environment running in the browser makes it much more like the Windows environment, where the user can run multiple applications, and potentially exchange information between them. As well as enhanced versions of its own applications, the McAfee.com webtop also includes icons for Web-based services from partners such as AllBusiness.com, 4smallbusiness.com, online storage provider Driveway, and time and expense tracking and invoicing ASP OpenAir.com. The ASP believes the webtop model helps it fulfils its mission is to provide customers with easy access to simplified, world-class PC management and security application services. The new interface simplifies the process of upgrading, securing and maintaining the PC while concurrently offering easy access to the services and content provided by the company�s partners. �We�ve received overwhelming feedback from thousands of customers who have commented that they want all their frequently visited Web sites to be this intuitive and navigable,� said VP marketing Patti Dock. The new webtop interface requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and above running on a PC. It uses DHTML to add desktop-like features to the browser, and loading the code on entering the desktop can take over a minute on a slow connection. Users who prefer a traditional website format can switch to a "standard view" option. First time site visitors must go through a simple registration process to receive a password for access to the site. Use of the site and certain tools is free, but payment is required for the core McAfee.com applications and partner services. Emphasising its continuing transition from former packaged retail software vendor to online application service provider, McAfee.com has now removed sales and support of its retail products from its webtop outlet to a separate site at http://software.mcafee.com. McAfee.com is a subsidiary of Santa Clara CA-based Network Associates, which earlier this year launched a second ASP venture, myCIO.com, as a management services provider serving the enterprise market. Reporting by Denise D'Onofrio