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Novell launches ASP platform

May 26th 2000: Novell launched an integrated application, content and commerce services platform this week, marking the culmination of a series of announcements targeting service providers.

Monday (May 22nd) saw the launch of Novell OnDemand Services, which allows service providers to offer both goods and services to their subscribers over the Web on a for-fee basis.

Using Novell�s directory services technology, the platform supports single sign-on access to all resources via the platform, making it the first package that unifies access to online services, applications and content. Content such as software, music, documents and video, as well as access to virtually any physical, digital or intellectual property may be managed using OnDemand.

All content is accessed through a Web browser, and the platform supports a wide range of billing options, including both time-based and consumption-based rental of applications and content. It integrates with third-party online payment gateways to enable Web-based payment.

The announcement further extends Novell's strategy to support Net-resident application delivery as initially outlined in prior months. In February, Novell announced its new market focus on Net services software, and in March, it unveiled a comprehensive new architecture for Net services software code-named DENIM (Directory-enabled Net Infrastructure Model).

Last month (Apr 26th), it launched its first hosted service, an Internet file storage utility that it provides on wholesale terms to service providers.

Its European user conference last week (May 16th) was the venue for the unveiling of XML Integration Services, an XML-based data hub that enables Internet-based application integration. One of the first deployments of the technology will be the next release of the vendor�s Groupwise collaboration platform, which Novell says will act as a foundation for building knowledge portals.

Novell also used this week�s announcement - at the ISPCON trade show in Orlando FL - to draw renewed attention to its Internet Commercial Service Provider (ICSP) scheme for service providers, which includes pay-as-you go licensing terms.

ICSP programme members will be able to obtain licenses for OnDemand Services after June 30. Available on a per-user, per-month basis, the fees are only assessed when end-users actually consume services or content through the platform.

Novell announced a reorganisation into four new business groups Tuesday (May 23rd). The groups will be responsible for, respectively, Net Management products, Net Directory products and technologies, Net Content products and services, and Customer Services. VP and general manager of the Net Content division, which will target web hosters and service providers as customers, is the former CEO of an ASP startup, Simon Khalaf, whose JustOn venture was acquired by Novell in January.

Reporting by Denise D'Onofrio

Apologies for a technical fault which delayed posting of this story

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Novell has emerged from a lean and barren period with a set of products that are exceptionally well tuned to the needs of a new era of Internet-based computing. The one-time champion of local area networking may well be in a for an unexpected resurgence in its fortunes if it can successfully harness and ride the ASP wave.


Reorganisation press release
OnDemand press release
XML hub press release
File services press release

Related ASPnews.com content:
Novell Intros OnDemand Net Services Software (news, May 24th, 2000)
� There's further analysis of Novell in the May ASP News Review newsletter ... click here>>